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Sports Photography FAQ's

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What is a Sports Mate?

A Sports Mate has a 5x7 team photo and a 3x5 individual photo with a graphical

design. This product is one piece and fits in a standard 8x10 frame.

How long do photos take to be processed and shipped?

Photos will be mailed to your home address 4 - 6 weeks after picture day.

Where can I get an order form?

We do not use paper order forms. All ordering is done on our website.

What is the refund policy on sports photos?

Orders that are returned within 14 days from the mailing date of your order are eligible for a full refund on the individual portion of the package. We do not issue refunds for team photos or on the team photo portion of your order. If you are not satisfied with the photograph/s that were mailed to you please open a HELP TICKET for assistance. It is the customers responsibility to mail the photos back to EAP at their expense if you would like a refund. Sorry but we do not offer reimbursement for postage. We suggest mailing the photos in a secure manner that provides proof of delivery back to EAP. For more information please contact our Customer Service Department Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00am - 5:00pm.

What time should I show up for my team photo?

A picture day schedule has been pre - designed by your league and EAP to facilitate a smooth running picture day. Please check with your coach regarding your picture day time. We recommend you arrive 15 minutes prior to the time your coach tells you so you have time to visit our sales table to pay for your photos and assemble with your team.

What forms of payments does EAP accept?

Cash, Checks and Credit Cards (American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa)

Can two siblings be photographed together?

Yes, absolutely. On the order form in the First Name Field put both children's First Names and then complete the rest of the order form. On picture day please let a Photo Day Coordinator or your child's coach know that your kids will be taking a photo together.

Please Note: The only product that cannot be ordered if both children are in the photo together are Trader Cards.

If I did not pay for photos on picture day can I still order photos?

If you did not pay for individual photos on picture day then your child's photo was not taken individually. Every child is photographed with the team. You can still order a team photo from this website or by contacting our Customer Service Department Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00am - 5:00pm.

Can I order extra photos after I have paid for my original order?

Yes you can. Here's the link to: Order Extra Photos

Can I pay for photos of all my children with one check?

No. Please submit a separate check for each order.

If I have a problem with my order what should I do?

Call us at 631-476-0134 between the hours of 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday through Friday or open a HELP TICKET 

Our Customer Service Representatives have the most up to date information on your order so they will be able to assist you. Please do not call the league as they will direct you to us.

Can I combine all my children's orders on one order form?

No. Please use a separate order form for each child you are placing an order for.

If I don't see the answer to my question here what should I do?
Call our Customer Service Representatives Monday thru Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm at 631-476-0134 or open a HELP TICKET

Example of a

Sports Mate

Basketball Mate.jpg
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